Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Exposición PEP

Las Exposiciones de PEP fueron tomadas en cuenta desde la Agenda del Milenio de las Naciones Unidas.


Dentro de las Exposiciones que se pudieron observar tenemos "FOTOGRAFÍA".
Donde los alumnos representaron temas como Sustentabilidad, Salud Pública, Pobreza y Contaminación. Demostrando así los atributos de la Comunidad IB en todos los sentidos, siendo Empáticos, Solidarios, Investigadores, Mente Abierta, Entusiasmo demostraron gran creatividad y Audacia presentando Exposiciones en Inglés.

"Una de las metas con estas exposiciones además de buscar que la comunidad tome conciencia de los problemas mundiales a resolver es que nuestro alumnos desarrollen conciencia en su propia realidad, tal como lo dice el Perfil del IB. Así vimos como uno de los equipos en sustentabilidad concluía, si cuidamos nuestros lápices durante todo el año, compraremos menos lápices y así habrá menos necesidad de talar menos árboles, poniendo así nuestro granito de arena para evitar la Tala innecesaria de árboles".
Entrevista a Miss Verónica León


Otra de la Exposiciones que pudimos apreciar fue de Video y Teatro, en los que expresaron Pobreza, Hambruna entre otros.

Ver Video

El trabajo de PEP es una gran oportunidad para enseñar a los chicos de forma  más clara lo que es una investigación. Las preguntas de los alumnos fueron muy acertadas como "¿Qué pasaría si viviéramos en un país sin recursos naturales?, ¿Qué pasaría si viviéramos en un país en donde la solidaridad no fuera una actitud socialmente responsable para el que menos tiene? 

La exposición fue muy buena en términos de centrar a los chicos en un realidad tangible. Muchos niños demostraron una clara relación entre la idea central y su problemática a desarrollar.
El que los compañeros pudieran ver otras exposiciones les dio la oportunidad de darse cuenta de sus capacidades y de las habilidades de otros.  

"Felicito a todos los Niños porque nos Demostraron que son Grandes Indagadores, y les Invito a que se sigan esforzando a mantener la misma calidad en todo trabajo académico que realicen". 

Video de Hambruna

Entrevista a Miss Ana Iran

Con Pintura

"Cada experiencia es distinta, después de 2 años en el PEP, me he podido sorprender, porque los alumnos son distintos, este año pudimos hacer una indagación profunda. Los alumnos lograron capturar la esencia de las ideas centrales. El tiempo que se dedicó fue óptimo para poder hacer que ellos se involucraran realmente con su idea central, después de esto motivarlos es lo que te ayuda.
Su nivel de expresión oral es lo que más me sorprende. Ahí es donde te das cuenta que ellos llegan a la abstracción e interpretación en sus trabajos".
 Entrevista a Miss Geraldine

Teatro “ La cruda realidad”

"El logro más significativo al final fue el terminar una obra que ellos hicieron desde el principio. Ideando desde una idea Central: Pobreza. Los alumnos lograron abstraer que la Pobreza va más allá de lo material, que ésta también puede ser espiritual y moral".

Sus alumnos, Ana María, Carlos, Jorge, Mariana, Ximena, Erick, Javier y Daniela, a través de la aventura se dieron cuenta que el ponerse de acuerdo era más complicado de lo que habían experimentado en el pasado, sin embargo a través de la moderación del Maestro lograron concentrarse en los objetivos a desarrollar. De ahí basados en una investigación certera y concreta les ayudó para seguir un camino y culminar con su proyecto.
 Entrevista al Profesor Daniel

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


In memory of PAZMUN 2012

General Assembly
Security Council

When I first arrived to the school on 2010, it was during a period of time where students were getting prepared to develop their MUN, at that time it was call La PAZMUN. I didn’t understand the name at the beginning, however later I understood that the name came out from Instituto La Paz Model of United Nations. I saw that the children were very involved on the model however at that time it was more as a recreational activity rather than an educational activity. Therefore I saw a great chance of opportunities to develop as many abilities as possible on our students for the next years.

Human Rights
At the beginning I talked to my boss who in a matter of weeks became more than a boss a very respectable, wise and in many ways became a teacher for me, but among all my friend. I am talking about Miss Elisabeht Taboada who trusted me and the ideas I shared with her about the MUNS that I knew from my past experiences. Indeed ideas that we were eager to develop on the next years in the Instituto La Paz for the benefit of the students.

These ideas were based on what must be considered for all MUNS., in our humble opinion. 

1.     The creation of concepts beyond the students’ acknowledgements, but at the same time using all what they have been learning all over the years at school to develop a plan of action for the sake of the community.

Commission of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice
2.     The communication of their ideas based on a proper protocol according to what they are capable of using according to the international standards for a MUN in Middle Schools.

3.     The sharing of ideas in a very respectful and diplomatic atmosphere.

4.     To defend their ideas with and scientific sustainable statements, creating an argument over their own point of view, honoring the Country’s position.

5.     Fomenting the interest on other cultures point of view on international situations.

Commission on Narcotic Drugs
World Health Organization
These points are only a few of many more developed on this PAZMUN, which wouldn’t have been able to accomplish without the participation and unconditional cooperation of our Secretary General Valeria Vigueras Rivera form 4th PAI, who developed a vision for these years PAZMUN 2012 since last year’s vacations. With the hand of her Under-Secretary General Danae Tea Espinosa, of 3rd PAI. Both of them dilled with numerable situations, at moments they were so frustrated looking at these MUN so far from their expectations.
International Children's Emergency Fund
Counter Terrorism
 Never the less with the help of a great team who conformed their Secretariat: Servio Reyes in charge of General Assembly, Manuel Rubio leader of Security Council, David Madrigal president of European Union, Renata Fernandez in charge of Commission of Crime Preventions and Criminal Justice, Victoria Flores leader of World Health Organization, Angelica Arratia President of Commission on Narcotic Drugs, Mariel Garcia in charge of International Children’s Emergency Fund, Joaquin Toledano leader of Counter Terrorism and finally but not least Mayte Gomez president of Environmental Program; all of them together made it happened, with the contribution of their tables whom should be mention by name but there is not enough space to write the 27 names that conformed the list of leaders of the Committees.
European Union
It wouldn’t be fair to close this article without mentioning the help we received by student’s of 5th PEP and 1st PAI, being ushers who managed responsibly and outstandingly well their tasks.

Environmental Programme

Summing up all of them, this PAZMUN wouldn’t have been possible without the surprisingly involved cooperation and hard work shown by all the delegates, from the delegates who came from sister schools: Olinca, Green Gates and Colegio del Pilar; as well of the cooperation of Tecnologico del Monterrey and Ex-former students from this Institute. Being always aware that all this would not meant a thing without all the efforts, interest and support of all the DELEGATES from Middle School, who shown an amazing level of use of English and debate abilities accomplishing in all the committees the very best resolution papers of all PAZMUN’s time at Instituto La Paz. Showing the growth of the academic status of our students as well as the interest of the authorities on the evolution of all the stages of acknowledgement and development of our students skills, knowledge and values. 

During the event there were many special moments to point out. So many indeed, that it seems impossible to write about all of them. However I will try to make my best to talk about not the most important ones, but at least of those who seemed to me to give more to think about. 

First of all I would like to talk about the Opening Ceremony, within the one I know there were many mistakes, but without question one of the best moments of all was  the intervention that Rodrigo Maza and Nayelhi Alcázar gave us with a piece composed by Rodrigo Maza himself and adapted for the violin by him, to make this outstanding duet during the ceremony. 

Rodrigo Maza and Nayehli Alcázar

As well I would like to thank Miss Martha Castro the representative of the ONU who served as our guest of honor during the opening ceremony and who gave us a very thoughtful speech, with lots of words that not only made us stop for a moment of reflexion but as well to conserve for out professional and personal lives for the rest of them, when she mention that we must conserve all the knowledge gather at the school, but that we must put it in practice in all our actions, as to promote the respect and good wealth around our communities and for our communities. 

Miss Martha Castro UNO Representative
As soon as the opening finished we were witnesses of the hard work made by all delegates, they began to debate, they defended their ideas with such enthusiasm but most of all with all that knowledge gathered in days before. They shown themselves, not only because they wanted a price, but because at the end they understood and enjoy fighting for what they believed. I am proud to say that not only they were trying to make themselves clear but they were willing to join others point of view as to try to negotiate with them for a better solution of the problematics to be solved. 

In General Assembly we had the participation of students from Green Gates with Timo Kuerten, Olinca with Tonantzin Real Rojas and from  Tecnologico de Monterrey Guillermo Tamayo, making the debate very substantial and critical for those who wanted to stand up, the participation of our students Jallath Carreón, Aldo Torres and René Robles was indeed outstanding from all expectations and for that they were grant with their prices as Honorable Mentions and Special Recognitions, however Timo Kuerten recieved the grant of Best Delegate.

Timo Kuerten receiving his Best Delegate Price
Talking about Security Council, it is a privilege indeed, not only they developed there topics in a notorious way, it took them more than a day to conclude with one of the problematics. This because of the strongly believes of right and wrong that the delegates shown. No matter how long it took them, they created one of the best resolutions ever seen during the Models. With proud we would like to point out that this committee was the most competitive of all and for that Instituto La Paz grants them with the honor of being the BEST Committee. On this committee  won Nayehli Alcázar (2nd PAI) won Special Recognition, Sebastián Salim (2nd PAI) Honorable Mention and as the Best Delegate Alejandro Morán (4th PAI).

Nayelhi Alcázar

Álvaro -Japan-Olinca
Alejandro Morán

This way we put on practice what SEP and IB program demand the schools to do and more.

PAI Coordinator Miss Elisabeht Taboada


Secretariat, Coordinator and Head Advisor

Presidents and Teachers
Colegio del Pilar

Colegio del Pilar

Former Student and Guest of Honor Javier Martínez Mendoza


Presidents: UNCCPCJ, EU, CT AND HR. 

Presidents: GA, SC AND UNCCPCJ. 

Under Secretary General and Secretary General 

Secretary General Valeria Vigueras Rivera

Academic Coordinator Miss Liliana Muñoz 

Band of 3rd PAI

Instituto La Paz Cheer Leader Team

Head Advisor Miss Vicky Caballero