Monday, June 17, 2013

1st MYP (PAI) Science and Geography

June 11th,  2013

Final Exam

     * Light properties (Reflection and refraction)

     * Manifestations of energy.
            - State the difference between types of energy
              and sources of energy.
     * Alternative energy sources.
            - Advantages and disadvantages.


     * The Universe: definition and composition.
            - Solar System and Galaxies.
     * The 6 Basic components of the Universe.

     * Technological Development to study the Space.
            - Supercool space tools.


1st MYP  Science and Geography

May  28th,  2013

"international Space Station Tour"

1. Go to Youtube and check out some videos about the life in the space, I let you some cool links to visit:

2. Write in the notebook your impressions about what you saw, would you like to live there? What do you think astronauts need to success in space? Do you think it might be posible for all humans to live in sapce sometime in the future? Which IB attributes you need to develope to become a space citizen?

3. Find out about Chris Hadfield, the fisrt astronaunt to share his outerspace experience in social networks...

I hope you enjoy the tour... Deliver you homework on time...
Best regards... Miss Dalila =)

May  7th,  2013

"Social Conditions of People Around the World"

This activity has the intention to activate your Reflective and Critical Thinking about the way of living in many countries of the world. You will find in this post the file named "Hungry Planet", which is a Power Point Presentation about what people eat and what kind of resources are available for them to survive and meet their needs. Your job is the following:

1. Download the file and take a look at the pictures.
2. Choose 3 countries: one fully-developed country, one in ways of development and a third one considered poor. Locate the countries in a planisphere and color them in different colors and paste the map in you notebook.
3. Answer the questions that are asked in the countries of your choice in the notebook and include which attributes of the IB you use to answer them. Write everything in your notebook.
4. Deliver this work in the correspondant Due-Date: 
6to D = Viernes 10 de mayo
6to A, B, C = Lunes 13 de mayo

Have fun and take a time to reflect about your way of living compared to those around the world; I hope this helps to make a change in your habits. 


El Instituto La Paz al ser parte de la Comunidad de Colegios IB cuenta con una gran gama de opciones para el desarrollo de los talentos científicos de sus alumnos. 

Siendo así el Programa IB invita a desarrollarse a los alumnos en áreas como las Artes Plásticas, Tecnológicas, Ciencias entre otras. 

En este espacio ustedes encontrarán todo lo relacionado al Área del Ciencias y Geografía en el Programa de Años Intermedios, materia impartida en Inglés para fortalecer sus habilidades en la Lengua B. 

Materia Impartida por La Profesora 

Dalila Rivera 

Miss Dalila Rivera

Miss Dalila Rivera

Materia: Science and Geography 1st MYP (PAI)

Experiencia: 6 años de experiencia docente.

Hobbies: Cine y Gastronomía Internacional. 

Educación: Lic. en Idioma Inglés y Lic. en Derecho.
Diplomados: Teacher's Course Diploma.

Welcome aboard!

Hello to all the educative community of Instituto La Paz, we are connected now to learn from each other every day. I hope we take the best of this.

See you around... Miss Dalila =)

Creatures of the Ocean

Si tienes sugerencias o preguntas deja tu comentario o escríbenos
Teléfono: 55566646

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