February 2013
3rd Bimester Study Guides
Exam: Friday Feb. 15
1. Population
- Natural increase.
- Population density.
2. Population Groups (GEOSEP p. 85)
3. Population Pyramid (GEOSEP p. 84)
4. Urban agglometarions (GEOSEP p. 87-91)
- Urban community vs Countryside
- Cultural DIversity
5. Migration (SnG p. 108-109)
- Definition
- Causes of migration
- Types of migration
Exam: Wednesday Feb. 20
1. Most common materials we use.
2. Properties of materials.
3. 3Rs Strategy (CNSEP p. 89)
4.Trasformation of materials
a) Clasification of materials (CNSEP p.90)
b) Degradation (CNSEP p. 90)
c) Temporary and Permanent changes (CNSEP p. 94)
5. Energy (SnG p. 44-45)
a) Sources
b) Types
c) Trasformations
October 2012
Wednesday, October 10, 2012.
1. Geographical Space concept.
2. Regions: Social / Natural (examples of them)
3. Territorial Scales: Continental, national, state, municipal, etc.
4. Maps and Scales (SnG 116-117)
5. Planes and their elements.
6. New ways to study the geographical space.
1. Systems of the Human Body:
Nervous System, Muskuloskeletal System, Immune System (leukocytes, ways to help the immune system), Circulatory System.
2. 4 stages of human development.
3. Fertilization, pregnancy and birth. (worksheet)
Sex cells, Secondary sexual characteristics.
4. Heredity concept.
Traits; kinds of traits (physical, behavioral, predisposition to a medical condition)
Where are the traits?
5. Reproduction: Birth Control Methods.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012.
Go to the following section of the website "Teens Health" to read about Sexual Health and Birth Control.
Take notes in your notebook about the method that was designated to you in class, check the following list:
1. Male condom.
2. Female condom.
3. Implantable contraception.
4. IUD (Intrauterine Device)
5. Emergency contraception.
6. Birth control pills.
Delivery date:
6th C and D: Monday, October 15th, 2012.
6th A and B: Tuesday, October 16th, 2012.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012.
Please check the following website in the sections named:
"What is Heredity?"
"What is a Trait?"
Take the complete tour and create a mind map in your notebook.
Delivery date:
6th C: Tuesday, October 9th, 2012.
6th B: Wednesday, October 10th, 2012.
6th A and D: Thursday, October 11th, 2012.

September 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012.
Please do the following quiz about THE IMMUNE SYSTEM from the LINK below; when you finish, print your results and bring them pasted in your notebook.
Delivery date:
6th C Tuesday, September 11, 2012
6th B Wednesday, September 12, 2012
6th A and D Thursday, September 13, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012.
Welcome aboard!
Hello to all the educative community of Instituto La Paz, we are connected now to learn from each other every day. I hope we take the best of this.
See you around... Miss Dalila =)
Si tienes sugerencias o preguntas deja tu comentario o escríbenos a: contacto@ilp.edu.mx
Teléfono: 55566646
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