Friday, February 8, 2013


Welcome to 5th Primary PYP

El Instituto La Paz es un Colegio IB, además de ser un Colegio Bilingüe desde el Jardín de Niños lo que lo pone en un marco dentro de los Mejores Colegios de México, no sólo en el Distrito Federal sino del País.

En este espacio encontrarás información relevante a todo lo que ocurre en  5º de Primaria en Inglés. Por ejemplo tareas, anuncios, guías de estudio y algunos recursos de media que le servirán a sus hijos para estudiar y aprender de una mejor manera para así utilizar todos sus recursos a la mano y comprender al máximo para aplicar en la vida real todo aquello que les ayuda a crecer y a mejorar el mundo que les rodea. 

Tuesday, February 26th, 2013.


    • Study for listening and speaking exam. 

    Wednesday, February 20th, 2013. 
    Study for your open class. 


    UNIT 5
    ·      DETERMINERS
    either, neither, all, both.
    recent past
    ·      JUST, ALREADY, YET.



    Exercise 1 Determiners:
    Exercise 2 Determiners:
    Exercise 3 Present Perfect:
    Exercise 4 Present Perfect:

    Exercise 5 Present Perfect Game: 


    ·      Choosing if the sentence is correct or incorrect out of a given text.
    ·      Vocabulary list
    ·      Verbs list
    ·      Reading comprehension, answering questions out of a given reading.

    Exercise 1 correction: 
    Exercise 2 correction: 
    Reading Exercise 1: 

    UNIT 5

    ·      Writing a report about a survey of the different ways in which students at your school travel.  Include: Number of students included in the survey. Age of students. The most common method of traveling. Number of students travelling to school by car, by taxi or by other means.

    Writing Exercise Using the Reading Exercise:
    Exercise 2: Watch and write a brief story of what have they done during their weekend. Use Present Perfect. 

    UNIT 5
    ·      Identifying and describing buildings.
    ·      Expressing likes or dislikes about these buildings.
    ·      Vocabulary list.

    Example 1 of how to make descriptions:

    Example of how to describe a sightseeing: 

    UNIT 5

    ·      Listening comprehension for dialogues, out of an audio, using present perfect tense and a survey.

    Wednesday, February 13th, 2013. 


    5thº A, B, C & D: 

    1. Bring a chocolate and a card for Valentine's Day. 

    Monday, February 11th, 2013. 


    5thº A, B, C & D: 

    1. Write a sentence with each phrasal verb. 

    Tuesday, February 5th, 2013. 


    5thº A, B, C & D: 

    1. Choose two pictures of different places like restaurants or houses or buildings. Compare them and then write sentences using determiners like either, neither, etc... 
    Friday, February 1st, 2013. 


    5thº A, B, C & D: 
    1. No homework. 

      For information, questions or comments please write us at: 

      Or do call us at: 55566646

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