Tuesday, October 23, 2012

2nd to 4th MYP (PAI) English Fernando

October 24th, 2012. 

We have to remind you to buy the material to be used with your kids in the Halloween activity
Dead line TOMORROW!!!
a) 1 Cotton T-Shirt. 
b) 4 bubble cloth paints.
c) Remember to lable your names and English group. 
d) Bring candies to give to your :) Little Brother or Sister :) 
e)  Make the best out of this experience come with an original Halloween costume.

September 20th, 2012

Project for October
2nd grade MYP
The project for Unit two will be a collage about your last vacations, so you could start looking for pictures you would like to include and thinking why.

 3rd grade MYP 
The project for unit two will be a TV/Radio Commercial. For you to start watching and paying attention to this sort of thing.

 4th grade MYP
The project for Unit two will be making a magazine/newspaper article about School from several years ago and up to date. So you could star a research about how school was in the past years.

September 10th, 2012. 
Useful Videos for Projects

4th MYP: Pollution

3rd MYP: Recycling

2nd MYP: Eco-houses 

Courtesy of Teachers Oscar and Vicky

August 22nd, 2012. 
Homework  for August 23rd, 2012.
Instructions: Copy the Concepts and then write your interpretation in 2 or 3 lines.

IB Fundaments

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.               <!--[endif]-->Holistic Learning:  Representing the notion that all knowledge is interrelated and that the curriculum should cater to the development of the whole person, the attributes of which are described by the IB learner profile.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.               <!--[endif]-->Intercultural awareness:Representing the notion that school communities should encourage and promote international mindedness by engaging with and exploring other cultures, a key feature of international education as reflected in the attributes of the IB profile.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.               <!--[endif]--> Communication: Representing the notion that school encourage open and effective communication, important skills that contribute to international understanding as exemplified by the attributes of the IB learner profile.

August 21st, 2012.

Homework  for August 22nd, 2012.
Copy the four criteria (A,B,C & D) of the first column then rephrase the characteristics for each of them.
Good Luck!

Criteria A 
Oral Communication
·      Listen for specific purposes
·      Respond to specific information
·      Interact socially
·      Speak for specific purposes
Criteria B Visual Interpretation
·      Interpret and engage with visual text that is presented with spoken and written text
·      Refer closely to the visual text, supporting his or her opinion and personal response with evidence and examples from the text.
Criteria C Reading Comprehension
·      Understand information
·      Interpret and engage with written text
·      Refer closely to the written text,
Criteria D Writing
·      Organize and express thoughts, feelings, ideas opinions and information in writing
·      Write for specific purposes
·      Develop accuracy when writing in the target language

Hello Students. Welcome Back to school!!! Today I am in charge of holding you for a while and I hope we all get alone and we both learn lots from each other.
Miss Vicky and Fernando

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